Recognizing the Signs of Arthritis

While around 23% of Americans have arthritis, there are many misconceptions about this chronic pain condition. For example, many people assume that arthritis is an inescapable part of aging or that only aging people develop arthritis. You can develop arthritis at any age, and painful arthritic joints aren’t inevitable.
As a result of these misconceptions, you might ignore the early warning signs of arthritis. As with many conditions, the earlier you get a diagnosis and start treatment, the less pain and disruption you experience.
Our orthopedic surgeons at Bahri Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, diagnose and treat all types of arthritis in patients of all ages. We want you to know the signs of arthritis so you can get the help you need.
Signs of arthritis
These symptoms are common signs of arthritis, but could also indicate another health problem. Having an exam and testing with a physician is the only way to know what’s causing your issues.
Stiffness is a hallmark sign of arthritis. Maybe when you wake up in the morning, stiff joints in your ankles or knees have you limping on your way to the bathroom. Or perhaps by the end of the day, your knees are so stiff that you collapse onto the couch, or you can barely make a fist because your hands are so sore.
Everyone feels stiff occasionally, for example, after a long car ride, but if you have a stiffness that lasts longer than an hour, it’s time to talk to a doctor about your symptoms and arthritis.
Many types of arthritis cause joint swelling. Your skin might look red or shiny or feel warm to touch. If you have swelling that persists for more than three days or occurs more than three times a month, it could be a sign of arthritis, and you should make an appointment to find out what’s causing your symptoms.
Painful joints
Arthritis pain is highly variable. You might have a constant ache, or your pain might come and go. Your pain could emerge or be more severe when you sit still or when you move. You might have pain in one part of your body, like your knee or hand, or you could have pain in many parts of your body.
If you have persistent or frequent joint pain, it’s critical to talk to a doctor about your symptoms. Pain is treatable, and you don’t have to live with it.
What to do about joint pain
If you have joint pain, you can try at-home remedies. Many patients find that over-the-counter anti-inflammatories and ice relieve their pain and swelling.
We also recommend daily, low-impact exercise, like walking or swimming. Exercise helps keep the muscles and connective tissue that support your joints strong and flexible.
You should also make an appointment with the team at Bahri Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Clinic, PL, especially if your symptoms are persistent.
We offer state-of-the-art diagnostics to identify the root cause of your joint pain and stiffness. We provide customized treatment plans, including regenerative medicine, arthroplasty, and joint replacement, for arthritis to reduce your pain and protect your joints.
Call or schedule a consultation online with our orthopedic specialists today if you have persistent joint pain that limits your mobility or quality of life.
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