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Should I Take Medicine for Plantar Fasciitis?

Should I Take Medicine for Plantar Fasciitis?

Your feet accept remarkable loads as you go through an average day. The foot’s arch forms part of a bow-like system that absorbs and distributes the force of these loads in combination with the plantar fascia, a tough band of tissue that acts as the string for the bow. 

Overstressing the foot arch can lead to microtears and collagen degeneration in the plantar fascia, causing inflammation and pain. Your body can repair this damage, called plantar fasciitis, but it’s usually a slow process lasting months, leaving you vulnerable to re-injury. 

Bahri Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic in Jacksonville and St. Augustine are foot and ankle pain specialists. They can help you manage your plantar fasciitis recovery, typically through a combination of physical therapy, splints, and anti-inflammatory medications.  

How plantar fasciitis starts

While your feet can absorb huge amounts of stress without issue, it’s possible to overload yourself, causing tiny tears in the plantar fascia tissue. This damage may not be enough to cause any symptoms at the time of injury. Still, these micro-tears can accumulate over time, causing more significant damage and leading to inflammation that can become quite painful. 

The typical pattern of plantar fasciitis is sharp, stabbing pain that’s at its worst first thing in the morning. Once you’re up and mobile, the pain tends to ease up, but it can return if you spend periods in sitting or standing postures. You usually won’t feel plantar fasciitis pain while exercising, but it may flare up when you stop. 

Risk factors

Occupations that require long hours on your feet are classic causes of plantar fasciitis, careers like teaching, food service, and factory work. Age becomes a factor after you reach 40, though this could be accelerated by being overweight. 

Certain types of activities that increase the stress on your feet can contribute to plantar fasciitis. Runners and ballet dancers often suffer from the condition, but any activity might combine with other risk factors. People with flat feet and those with particularly high arches could be at risk due to inefficient foot mechanics. 

Should I take medicine for plantar fasciitis? 

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a standard part of plantar fasciitis treatment, since they offer pain relief and reduced swelling. Ibuprofen and naproxen are two common NSAIDs that are readily available over the counter. 

Prescription-strength NSAIDs are also available, if necessary. Your caregiver at Bahri Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic may also recommend corticosteroid injections to jump-start anti-inflammatory action or when NSAIDs prove ineffective. 

Other therapies

Physical therapy can help develop strength in the foot, ankle, and lower leg muscles to take some of the stress off your plantar fascia. This can include stretching exercises, ultrasound, and massage. Supportive footwear and nighttime splints are also used to speed recovery. 

Your feet are essential to getting through the day, and plantar fasciitis can stop you in your tracks. Contact Bahri Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic by phone or online to schedule a personal consultation and assessment of your foot condition. You will be stepping lightly soon, so book your appointment to start your recovery.  

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